Make you segway smile Make You Segway Smileセグウェイスマイルを体験しよう! Popular activities in Japan in Japan 世界で人気のアクティビティを日本で A new experience guided by Segway セグウェイが導く新しい体験 The best moment 最高の瞬間を With the best friends 最高の仲間と Scenery different from usual いつもと違った景色 Feel the wind, feel the scent 風を感じ、香りを感じ Enjoy the movement with all five senses 移動を五感で楽しむ The best memories with Segway Smile 最高の思い出をセグウェイスマイルと共に




Featured keywords

#セグウェイツアー #プレゼントしよ #満足度95%以上 #世界各地で人気のアクティビティ #ハワイで芸能人が #日本にもあるんだ #女性参加率60% #初めてでも楽しかった #乗りたいと思ってた! #公道も走れるんだ⁉

What's About Segway Smile?

What is Segway Smile?


What is Segway Tour?

口コミサイトTripAdvisorで体験した殆どの人が5つ星をつける、世界中で人気のアクティビティー。1,000箇所以上で開催され、ガイドと一緒にパリやアムステルダム、ワシントンDCやサンフランシスコなど市街地を巡るシティーツアー、スミソニアン博物館やディズニーワールドなど施設内を巡るパークツアーなどが有名です。特に、ハワイのセグウェイツアーは芸能人が楽しんでいる様子をテレビ等で目にしますので有名です。海外旅行の際は、「Segway tour + 地名」で検索してみてください。

Also available for private tours

ツアーに申し込んだ人(グループ)だけで、 他人は参加しないプラベートツアーにも対応。他人に気を使わずに楽しむことが出来ます。例えば、感染予防として自分達だけの空間にしたい、講習や操作が不安で他の参加者に迷惑を掛けたくない、逆に他の参加者を待つことなく講習もツアーも自分達のペースで進めたいといったメリットがあります。


Segway is not the only attraction.
Segway is a motivation to go to the place to the last, and it is a tour program that values the wind and fragrance felt in the place, the history and natural flowers, and the interaction with the people you meet there. Although it is fun to test drive for only 5 minutes or experience in a closed space such as Round One, if you want to experience the charm that is not only the original taste of Segway, Segway Tour is recommended.
Even if it is a difficult place to walk, the Segway makes it easy to travel around the distant sights while feeling the pleasure of moving slowly. A 20 cm tall view of the Segway. The tour can proceed while feeling the atmosphere of the land. The guide will explain to you at important points, so you will discover and meet unique places and places, and you will be interested in those places. We will help you to get close to the natural plants you are interested in, enjoy the scent, and discover the charm that originated from Segway.
If it is a tour through a public road, transportation is a dialogue with people who pass by, and the attraction of the Segway Tour is that you can communicate with people who pass each other and who are part of the city / city and pass by.

Even beginners can join with peace of mind

Most of the participants are beginners. We offer a program with training so that even beginners can start with peace of mind.
This Segway Smile will show you where you can ride the Segway, so find your favorite tour site.

Mini Segway?

You can see the product called "Mini Segway", which appears when you search for "Segway," but it is completely different from the Segway used in the Segway tour, although it can be seen in mass retailers in the town. You can buy a Mini Segway for tens of thousands of yen, but there are many fake ones! Due to the small diameter of the tires, it is difficult to balance even a small step for use in places where people normally walk. You can even burn or run out of control. The Segway tour introduced here is a tour that uses Segway PT products, which continue to be appreciated by public institutions around the world as a professional specification that everyone's experience is better and you can ride with confidence.




Hokkaido area

Tokachi Millennium Forest

(Hokkaido-Shimizu Town, Kamikawa District)
Japan's first Segway tour started in 2007. We have prepared a program with the theme of landscape, environment, and forest development from the concept of growing forests as an important asset that will be inherited and handed over to the future 1000 years later. To enjoy the sense of unity with nature, such as the grasslands and forests of the Tokachi plain, is a fun unique to Tokachi Millennium Forest.


〔北海道 - 札幌市南区〕


Hakodate Onuma Segway Tour

(Hokkaido-Nanae Town, Kameda District)
This is a Segway Nature Guided Tour set in the Onuma Quasi-National Park, which is located approximately 30km north of Hakodate City, and the surrounding natural environment. The interpreter (guide) will introduce the nature of Onuma created by nature against the backdrop of the magnificent nature of Mt. Komagatake. It is a tour site for a limited time only from the end of April to the end of October, when the season closed by snow is over and the greenery is all over.


Kanto area

Segway Tour A Mishima Sky Walk

[Shizuoka - Mishima City]
You can experience the Segway Guided Tour at Mishima Sky Walk, Japan's longest suspension bridge where you can enjoy a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay. You can run between trees on an off-road course in the forest and feel exhilaration in the nature of the western foot of Hakone. Also accompanied by the instructor, he and she will talk about how to operate Segway and the secret story of the completion of suspension bridge, and the nature and the history of this land.

Musashi Hill Forest Park Segway Tour

[Saitama - Prefecture - Namegawa-machi, Hiki-gun]
Musashi Kyuryo National Government Park has a valuable 'satoyama' environment left in the metropolitan area. The interpreter (guide) introduces the history of the land and how to deal with nature easily. The park is approximately 65 times the size of Tokyo Dome. So feel the nature of the vast forest park and enjoy watching nature. We will help participants be aware of the hidden sights dotted in the forest.

Showa Memorial Park Segway Tour

[Tokyo - Tachikawa City]
You can experience authentic Segway guided tour in Tokyo. It is approximately 35 km west from the center of Tokyo. Showa Kinen Park has a vast green area which is popular as a place to heal the hustle and bustle of the city. You can enjoy seasonal flowers such as rape blossoms and cherry blossoms in spring, cosmos in autumn, autumn leaves, etc. with the best flower spots in the city.

Tsukuba Segway Tour

[Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki-pref]
It's Japan's first public road segway tour. Let's go to the city with a sensory activity acknowledged by cities in the world. Ride a Segway and get to know the history of Tsukuba and the structure of the city and feel the touch with the people who live there. It is packed with fun unique to the city tour.

Hakone Ashinoko Segway Tour

[Kanagawa Prefecture-Hakone Town]
Segway tour around the scenic Hakone Lake Ashinoko. Stroll around the scenic tourist destinations that have long been known as objects of worship. Drive a part of the town road to "Hakone Kuzuryu no Mori" Park. It is a tour where you can spend an unforgettable time with the power spots scattered in the lush green forest where many seasonal natural scenery and many flowers grow naturally.

Yokohama Segway Tour

(Kanagawa-Yokohama City)
Segway tour to Yokohama. With the city of Yokohama at the center, we are working to improve the environment for conducting Segway tours in cities around the world. Only in Japan, a paid tour for the general public is being carried out as a personal mobility tour that runs on the coastal highways. A tour where you can feel the wind and history of Yokohama.


Chubu area

Guided tour in Centrair

[Aichi Prefecture-Tokoname City]
It is the only Segway tour that is moving around the airport in the world. In addition to indoor courses over various places such as passenger terminals and sky decks, this tour includes a variety of courses such as an outdoor course where you leave the airport facility and explore the site on the "hill where you can see the airplane". If you are lucky, you may be able to see a large freighter "Dream Lifter" while riding a Segway.

Ski Jam Katsuyama Segway Tour

[Fukui Prefecture-Katsuyama City]
Ski jam Katsuyama is a popular ski resort in winter and a highland resort in summer. It is a summer-only Segway tour that tours the vast and undulating site.
You can choose a course that suits your mood, from a course where you can enjoy a leisurely forest bath through a forest surrounded by dark green to a technical course that runs over a rough slope and uneven off-road!


Kinki area

Tottori Dune Segway Tour Experience

[Tottori Prefecture-Tottori City]
In the magnificent scenery of the Tottori Sand Dunes, you can take an off-road segway and enjoy the comfortable breeze and scenery while traveling around the world! !! Special guidance is also provided for courses that cannot normally be entered. There is also a chance to get free time and original goods Segway in the national park is only here in Japan! And the only Segway tour experience in the sand dunes is Asia! A rare and trembling experience that can only be found in the Tottori Sand Dunes!


Kyushu / Okinawa area

Phoenix Seagaia Resort

[Miyazaki Prefecture-Miyazaki City]
On this tour the instructor is talking about nature around Seagaia and the myth of Miyazaki. During the tour, you will enjoy the story related to myths and the efforts on developing black pine forests around Seagaia while listening to a lot about Seagaia.


Uminonakamichi Segway Tour

[Fukuoka Prefecture-Fukuoka City]
Sekiway is a state-run Kainakaido Seaside Park that occupies most of it, a sandbar with a total length of about 12km that separates Hakata Bay, which has Hakata Port, the gateway to Kyushu and Asia, and Genkai Sea, one of the world's leading fishing grounds. Touring A vast site and a variety of course settings. It is a tour that is highly satisfying to guides, with different views, running responses in each season.

Segway Tour in Okinawa World

[Okinawa Prefecture - Nanjo City]
At Okinawa World's orchard where more than 100 kinds of seasonal fruits are cultivated, you can see and touch fruits you have never seen from popular mango, and go through the back road that the general public can not pass, Okinawa World We will guide you inside from end to end. The instructor and guide will also happily guide you through the history and culture of Okinawa.

Segway Tour in Ishigakijima Banna no Mori Park

[Okinawa Prefecture - Ishigaki-City]
The Banna Park, the southernmost forest park of Japan, is located in the vast natural environment around Bannadake, which is 230 meters above sea level, north of Ishigaki city area, and is also called a "park where you can the sea". You can watch many rare plants that make subtropical climatic climate feel in the plaza which makes use of the mountain topography, on the walking path. You can also experience natural science such as protection and breeding of birds. You can enjoy subtropical wilderness using Segway at the forest walk plaza (C zone).

Let's take a look at a tour

Let's see the flow of the tour

service_01.jpg 受付・オリエンテーションセグウェイを目指して集合。注意事項を聞きながら、セグウェイが楽しくなるポイントを教わりながらオリエンテーションを進めます。 service_02.jpg 乗車練習開始乗車する方のレベルに合わせて講習を行っていきますので、初心者でも安心。
service_03.jpg ツアーへ出発全員がツアーに出発できるレベルになったら、もう一度ガイドツアーを楽しむポイントを伝授してもらい、いよいよツアー出発。
ガイドを先頭に、カルガモの親子のように一列になって移動。 ツアー中はすれ違う方からは「セグウェイだ!」と不思議そなう目で見られるので、是非、手を振ってみたり挨拶をしてみてください。これがツアーを楽しむエチケットです。
image_original_ (24) _original.jpg ガイドを聞く・楽しむツアーの途中でガイドがその土地のことを、自然や歴史のことを楽しく説明してくれるので、ガイドを聞きながら新しい発見を楽しむ。 image_original- (60) _original.jpg 休憩タイムツアーが進んだところで、お茶で一休み。緊張から解き放たれてリラックス。ガイドに聞いてみたいことを質問したり、他の参加者と打ち解けることもセグウェイだと自然に出来るかも。 image_original- (49) _original.jpg ツアー再開、見所たくさん後半にもなると、セグウェイを意識せずに乗れるようになっているので、その土地の匂いや風、景色など歩いている時とは少し異なる感覚を感じ取ってみてください。 image_original- (35) _original.jpg 記念撮影、ログブックへ記載ツアー中は要所で写真を撮影します。写真はシェアしますので旅の思い出話を共有してください。ツアー終了後は忘れないうちに思い出をログブックへ。コースや見たものを記録。次回参加時もログブックを持参して思い出を追加していただけます。


Voice of participants

I love Segway.

Uminonakamichi Segway Tour / Women in their 40s

The lectures and guides were so easy to understand that it was a great memory of the trip.
It was a lot of fun to ride comfortably on any road, including normal roads and off-road. I want to ride in various places.

I enjoy it a lot!

Uminonakamichi Segway Tour / Men in their 50s

The English of the tour guide is good enough for understanding.The things he said are interesting as well.

The guide is the best!

Hakone Segway Tour / Female in her 50s

It was my first experience, but I enjoyed it very much. It became a good family memory. Thank you!


The driving on the Segway is the best.

Hakone Segway Tour / Women in their 30s

The feeling of cutting the wind while feeling the nature is the best! !! Thank you very much.

Actually, the Segway tour was the most fun.

Hakodate Onuma Segway Tour / Women in their 40s

It was a delicate weather, but it operated safely. It was great to see Mt. Komagatake from the clouds. Riding through nature, we were impressed by the unfamiliar traces of northern animals. It became a good memory on the last day of my trip to Hokkaido.

I was happy with the memory logbook.

Hakodate Onuma Segway Tour / Female in her 20s

The story of the guide and the explanation of nature were also interesting. I was happy to have a route with a sticker for today's course.


Guide greeting

We will guide you.

Thank you for visiting Segway Smile.
Many people have participated so far, and we guide every day with the goal of not only enjoying the Segway as a vehicle but also enjoying the entire program through the Segway.
There are many valuable customers who change the season, change the place, and repeat many times, so we are trying to make a better program while trying the same guide content or monotonous, guide trial and error. I will. The guide will continue to tour the wonderful Segway smile from the first time customers to repeaters with your smile.

Segway tour guide

All Segway tour guides


About us


company name

Segway Japan Co., Ltd.

Business description

Import and sale of Segway PT products

Directly managed Segway tour business (7 locations)

Hakodate Onuma Segway Tour

Tsukuba Segway Tour

Musashi Hill Forest Park Segway Tour

Showa Memorial Park Segway Tour

Yokohama Segway Tour

Hakone Ashinoko Segway Tour

Uminonakamichi Segway Tour

Head office location

WeWork Ocean Gate Minatomirai 8F


Guide recruitment information

Segway tour guide / tour guide support (men and women, no experience required)

We are looking for people who want to be Segway tour guides. In order to become a guide, we will start by taking a Segway instructor course. After being certified as an instructor, you will receive training to become a guide through the support work of the actual Segway guided tour. At first, it may be the first time that everyone rides on a Segway or guides, but if you have the spirit and passion, it's okay. We look forward to people who love the outdoors, people who like to talk to people, people who want to try new things!

About work contents

The Segway Tour is a very popular activity now being held at more than 1,000 locations around the world. The tour guide will guide guests in the park or in the city after giving a boarding course for up to eight customers. Enjoying the scenery that flows while feeling the smell of the land and the wind ,using the five senses, the guide of the Segway Tour gives customers a special experience and time safely.

Application Requirements

Job description Segway tour guide, tour program creation, SNS management, maintenance of equipment, etc.
* Work content includes training to acquire knowledge and skills.

Qualification requirements

  • Knowledge of nature, the environment, wildlife, or being able to become interested in the future
  • Communication with a smile
  • 18 years old to about 40 years old.
  • Being physically and mentally healthy
  • Any gender is OK and experience is not required.
  • Besides : applicants who can speak English are preferred.

Work location / Tour site

  1. National Showa Memorial Park (Tokyo)
  2. State-owned Musashi hill forest park (Saitama Prefecture)
  3. Inside the Nakano beach park in the state-owned sea (Fukuoka Prefecture)
  4. Lake Hakone Ashinoko (Kanagawa Prefecture)
  5. Yokohama (Kanagawa Prefecture)

Working hours

※ There is a break ※ There is a change by the season


Basic monthly salary 200,000 yen (with training period)
Weekend 2 days

Application period

Ends when capacity is reached

Application method

WeWork Ocean Gate Minatomirai 8F
ツアー事務局 採用担当 宛

※ Application by email is not accepted. The submitted information is used to manage this employment information, and will not be used for any other purpose.


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